Wednesday 27 July 2011

A Very Inconvenient Truth

The last week has been extraordinary.  In any other context could the actions of a mad man who expressed some vague and inconsistent admiration for various people be directly attributed to those people ?

For example, one day a crazed environmentalist, full of dark thoughts about the impending destruction of the planet and filled with anger about the Gulf of Mexico disaster drives into a BP petrol station in London.   He gets out of his car, opens his petrol tank, takes out the petrol pump and starts to pump petrol into his car.  Suddenly he takes the pump out of his car but proceeeds to pump petrol all over his car, the forecourt and anywhere else he can reach.  As a member of staff comes racing out of the shop, he calmly takes out a cigarette lighter and lights the petrol on his car*.  He runs off shortly before a fire ball engulfs the forecourt killing 5 people and severely burning another 6.

Next the same man takes another car to a 4 star hotel that hosts conferences.  Inside some new graduate recruits for BP head office are undergoing a training course.  The man walks in with a hold all and produces an automatic weapon he procured from Latvian gangsters.  He proceeds to open fire on the assembled BP party and kills 21, injuring another 15.  Hotel staff, visitors and BP graduates are amongst the casualties.

The man then surrenders to Police when they arrive.  It turns out later that day that the man has issued a long and rambling "manifesto".  In that manifesto he praises Al Gore for his "groundbreaking film, An Inconvenient Truth".   He is positive about Greenpeace but despairs of their failure to be more radical.  He writes fondly of the German Green Party.  He quotes a paper by Jonathon Porritt.   He quotes Gandi and Churchill.   He devotes a whole section to the Brighton and Hove Green Party.


1) Do these events show the inherent evil in the environmental movement ?
2) Do these events absolve BP of any former failings ?
3) Can Al Gore be held responsible for encourgaing terrorism ?
4) Should the British Green Party be banned and Caroline Lucas be investigated by the Security Services ?
5) Are all environmental concerns now completely baseless ?

Nonsense isn't it ?  We all know the very inconvenient truth.  One nutter who performs outrageous and murderous acts claiming to act on behalf of a worthwhile cause does not mean that cause becomes morally wrong overnight.

Breivik was grotesque and brutal in his actions.  What sane person could shoot unarmed teenagers as they begged for mercy ?

Yet this does nothing to change the reality of the world in which we live.  9/11 still happened in the name of Islam as did over 17,000 terrorist acts since then.   After 9/11 ordinary muslims danced and cheered in the Arab street.   I know not all muslims cheered but a fair proportion of them were not against 9/11.

When Breivik unleashed his madness last week, did one westerner cheer ?  Did one antijihadist congratulate him ?   No, not one.   Everyone was appalled.

So there is another very inconvenient truth for the PC brigade and the islamofascist apologists.   While many cheered 9/11, no one cheered Breivik.  Yet the actions of one mad man will not undermine a just movement that has great concerns about the influence of islam.  Those concerns range from slow motion genocide in Nigeria and Sudan, repression of women in much of the Middle East, ongoing attempts to destroy Israel, honour killing of muslim daughters or gay bashing in the East end of London.

We all stand with Norway in their hour of darkness.  However the campaign against islamification goes on and this campaign will be non-violent one if this blogger has anything to do with it.

*with apologies to James Herbert.   This is a scenario from one of his horror books I read in my youth.....

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